
张敏英  教授

一、 教育经历
天津医科大学 流行病学 博士
中国预防医学科学院 流行病学与卫生统计学 硕士
河北医科大学 本科

今 南开大学医学院 教授

2007.07-2022.12 南开大学医学院 副教授 

2002.07-2007.06 天津医科大学公共卫生学院 讲师



天津预防医学会 理事

2. 中华医学会天津心脏病学会流行病学分会 常委

3. 中华医学会医学伦理学分会会员

4. 中国医师协会呼吸医师分会流行病学研究工作组成员

5. 天津市食品与药品监督管理局医疗器械评审专家

6. 教育部学位中心学位论文通讯评审专家



1.        He J, Zhang B, Fan Y, Wang Y, Zhang M, Li C, Zhang L, Guo P and Zhang M* (2023) Comparison of bioelectrical body and visceral fat indices and anthropometric measures in relation to type 2 diabetes by sex among Chinese adults, a cross-sectional study. Front. Public Health 11:1001397. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1001397.

2.        Hu S, Xu X, Li C, Zhang L, Xing X, He J, Guo P, Zhang J, Niu Y, Chen S, Zhang R, Liu F, Ma S, Zhang M, Guo F, Zhang M*. Long-term exposure to ambient ozone at workplace is positively and non-linearly associated with incident hypertension and blood pressure: longitudinal evidence from the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei medical examination cohort. BMC Public Health. 2023 Oct 16;23(1):2011. doi: 10.1186/s12889-023-16932-w.

3.        He J, Fan Y, Zhang L, Li C, Guo F, Zhu J, Guo P, Zhang B, Zhang M, Zhang M*. Habitual night sleep duration is associated with general obesity and visceral obesity among Chinese women, independent of sleep quality. Front Public Health. 2023 Jan 23;11:1053421.

4.        Zhang B, He J, Guo P, Wang J, Li C, Zhang L, Guo C, Guo Y, Guo F, Zhang M, Zhang M*. Ratio of visceral fat area to body fat mass (VBR) is a superior predictor of coronary heart disease. Chin Med J (Engl). 2023 Apr 26. doi: 10.1097/CM9.0000000000002601

5.        He J#, Hu S, Xu X, Guo P, Niu Y, Zhang J, Zhang R, Chen S, Ma S, Liu F, Li Q, Li C, Zhang L, Wu Y, Zhang M, Zhang M*. Association of long-term exposure to PM2.5 in workplace with fasting plasma glucose among asymptomatic adults: A multicenter study in North China. Environ Int. 2022 Jun 16;166:107353. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2022.107353.

6.        He J#, Wang Y, Zhang L, Li C, Qi X, Wang J, Guo P, Chen S, Niu Y, Liu F, Zhang R, Li Q, Ma S, Zhang M, Hong C, Zhang M*. Association Between Habitual Night Sleep Duration and Predicted 10-Year Cardiovascular Risk by Sex Among Young and Middle-Aged Adults. Nat Sci Sleep. 2022 May 11;14:911-926. doi: 10.2147/NSS.S359611.

7.        He J#, Hong C, Zhang L, Li C, Wang Y, Fan Y, Guo P, Zhang B, Qi X, Chen S, Niu YJ, Liu F, Zhang R, Li Q, Ma S, Zhang M, Zhang M*. Associations between night-time sleep duration and fasting glucose and ratio of triglyceride to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol among adults free of type 2 diabetes or without diagnosed type 2 diabetes: a multicentre, cross-sectional study in China. BMJ Open. 2022 Jul 29;12(7):e062239. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-062239.

8.        He H, Guo P, He J, Zhang J, Niu Y, Chen S, Guo F, Liu F, Zhang R, Li Q, Ma S, Zhang B, Pan L, Shan G, Zhang M*. Prevalence of hyperuricemia and the population attributable fraction of modifiable risk factors: Evidence from a general population cohort in China. Front Public Health. 2022 Jul 28;10:936717. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.936717.

9.        He H, Pan L, Hu Y, Tu J, Zhang L, Zhang M, Liu G, Yuan J, Ou Q, Sun Z, Nai J, Cui Z, Zhang J, Wang J, Wu J, Han X, Niu Y, Li X, Hou D, Yu C, Jiang C, Liu Q, Lin B, Shan G. The diverse life-course cohort (DLCC): protocol of a large-scale prospective study in China. Eur J Epidemiol. 2022 Aug;37(8):871-880. doi: 10.1007/s10654-022-00894-1. Epub 2022 Jul 19. PMID: 35856127; PMCID: PMC9294835.

10.    Su X#, Zhang M#, Qi H, Gao Y#, Yang Y, Yun H, Zhang Q, Yang X, Zhang Y, He J, Fan Y, Wang Y, Guo P, Zhang C, Yang R*. Gut microbiota-derived metabolite 3-idoleacetic acid together with LPS induces IL-35+ B cell generation. Microbiome. 2022 Jan 24;10(1):13.

11.    Fan Y, Zhang L, Wang Y, Li C, Zhang B, He J, Guo P, Qi X, Zhang M, Guo C, Guo Y, Zhang M*. Gender differences in the association between sleep duration and body mass index, percentage of body fat and visceral fat area among chinese adults: a cross-sectional study. BMC Endocr Disord. 2021 Dec 24;21(1):247.

12.    Huang YP, Zhang S, Zhang M, Wang Y, Wang WH, Li J, Li C, Lin JN. Gender-specific prevalence of metabolic-associated fatty liver disease among government employees in Tianjin, China: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open. 2021 Dec 15;11(12):e056260.

13.    Wang YX, Zhang L, Li CJ, Qi X, Fan YQ, He JS, Guo P, Hu JL, Chen S, Niu YJ, Liu F, Zhang R, Li Q, Ma ST, Zhang MZ, Hong CL, Zhang MY*. Predicted 10-year Cardiovascular Disease Risk and Its Association with Sleep Duration among Adults in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, China. Biomed Environ Sci. 2021 Oct 20;34(10):803-813.

14.    Yu H, Ye X, Zhang M, Zhang F, Li Y, Pan S, Li Y, Yu H, Lu C. Study of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in urban environment by questionnaire and modeling for sustainable risk control. J Hazard Mater. 2021 Oct 15;420:126621.

15.    Zhang B, Fan Y, Wang Y, Zhang L, Li C, He J, Guo P, Zhang M, Zhang M*. Comparison of bioelectrical body and visceral fat indices with anthropometric measures and optimal cutoffs in relation to hypertension by age and gender among Chinese adults. BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2021 Jun 11;21(1):291. doi: 10.1186/s12872-021-02100-8.

16.    Mi GD, Zhang BB, Yu F, Ren XL, Ong JJ, Fan YQ, Guo FH, Li CJ, Zhang MZ, Zhang MY*. HIV incidence among men who have sex with men using geosocial networking smartphone application in Beijing, China: an open cohort study. Infect Dis Poverty. 2021 Apr 2;10(1):27. doi: 10.1186/s40249-021-00814-7.

17.    Shi YX, Chen XY, Qiu HN, Jiang WR, Zhang MY, Huang YP, Ji YP, Zhang S, Li CJ, Lin JN. Visceral fat area to appendicular muscle mass ratio as a predictor for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease independent of obesity. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2021 Mar;56(3):312-320.

18.    Wang XH, Jiang WR, Zhang MY, Shi YX, Ji YP, Li CJ, Lin JN. The visceral fat area to leg muscle mass ratio is significantly associated with the risk of hyperuricemia among women: a cross-sectional study. Biol Sex Differ. 2021 Jan 29;12(1):17.

19.    Li Q, Shen QL, Xu CN, Li ML, Ma ZM, Zhang S, Chen S, Zhang MY, Zhang JB, Liu F, Yang XH. A Self-test Prediction Model to Determine the Probability Risk of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Biomed Environ Sci. 2020 Nov 20;33(11):857-861.

1.医学统计学 (临床医学5+3一体化 本科生)

 2. 医学统计学 (口腔医学专业 本科生)

 3. 医学统计学 (硕士研究生)

 4. 医学统计学(临床医学专业 留学生)

 5. 高级医学统计学 (医学专业 博士研究生)
流行病学(临床医学5+3一体化 本科生)

 7. 流行病学(临床医学专业 留学生)

 8. 环境流行病学 (环境科学专业 本科生)

 9. 文献报告与科研选题(博士研究生)

1. 2019年《医学统计学》被天津市教育委员会授予 天津市线上线下混合式一流本科建设课程

2. 2015年:“张大宁教授治疗慢性肾脏病临床经验、学术思想研究” 荣获中华中医药学会科学技术奖二等奖,第四完成人。

3. 2013年:“复方五味子醇提液对糖尿病肾病小鼠的治疗作用及机制研究”荣获天津市科技进步奖二等奖,第五完成人。

4. 2009年: 补肾活血法对系膜增生性肾小球肾炎大鼠肾组织基质蛋白酶及组织抑制剂表达影响的实验研究 荣获中华中医药学会科学技术奖二等奖, 第三完成人。 

. 通讯地址:天津市南开区卫津路94
. 电话:022-23509913
  3. E-mail: zhangminying@nankai.edu.cn