起止年月 | 院校名称 | 学位 |
1979-09 ~ 1984-07 | 重庆医学院 | 学士 |
1984-09 ~ 1987-07 | 华西医科大学医学院 | 硕士 |
1992-10 ~ 1995-12 | 德国弗雷堡大学医学院 | 博士 |
起止年月 | 工作单位 | 职务和技术职称 |
1987-07 ~ 2004-03 | 华西附一院普外科 | 历任住院医、主治医、主任医师,科室副主任 |
2004-04 ~ 2014-01 | 北京佑安医院普外肝胆暨肝移植中心 | 科主任 |
2014-02 ~ 2015-11 | 301医院肝胆外科 | 科主任 |
序 号 | 省部级及以上科研项目(课题)名称 | 项目来源 | 起讫时间 | 本人承担 经费 (万元) | 主持人或 参加人 |
1 | 人多能干细胞多功能性退出及向肝谱系特化的机制与应用研究 | 国家重点研发项目 | 2017.05-2022.05 | 500 | 主持人 |
2 | 抗乙肝表面抗原单链抗体嵌合抗原受体基因转导T细胞清除肝外组织HBV微量病毒库的研究 | 国家自然科学基金 | 2017.01-2022.01 | 58 | 主持人 |
3 | 肝胆管结石病外科诊疗规范的建立子课题 | 国家卫计委 | 2016.06-2018.06 | 44 | 子课题负责人 |
起止时间 | 在何学术团体任何职(最多填写8项) |
2017.4-2020.4 | 中国医师协会整合医学医师分会整合肝胆外科专业委员会副主任委员 |
2015.12- | 全军器官移植专业委员会常委 |
2015.5-2018.5 | 中华医学会外科学分会外科学分会肝移植学组委员 |
2014.10-2017.10 | 北京市医学会器官移植分会副主任委员 |
2014.5- | 《中华肝胆外科杂志》副总编辑 |
1.Human hepatocytes with drug metabolic function induced from fibroblasts by lineage reprogramming. Cell Stem Cell. 2014,14(3):394-403.SCI(Medline)
2.Lu Shi-Chun, Wang Meng-Long, Li Ning, Lai Wei, Chi Ping, Liu Jin-Ning, Dai Jun, Zhang Zhen, Wu Ju-Shan, Lin Dong-Dong, Guo Qing-Liang, Zhu Yue. Emergent right lobe adult-to-adult living-donor liver transplantation for high model for end-stage liver disease score severe hepatitis. Transplant International. 2010;23(1):23-30SCI(Medline)
3. Liu K, Jiang T, Ouyang Y, Shi Y, Zang Y, Li N, Lu S, Chen D.
Nuclear EGFR impairs ASPP2-p53 complex-induced apoptosis by inducing SOS1 expression in hepatocellular carcinoma. Oncotarget. 2015 Apr 27. [Epub ahead of print] PMID. SCI(Medline)
4.Duan BW, Lu SC, Lai W, Liu XE, Liu Y.The detection of (total and ccc) HBV DNA in liver transplant recipients with hepatitis B vaccine against HBV reinfection. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2015 Jul 15:0. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 26177383SCI(Medline)
5.Tao Jiang, Chuanyun Li, Binwei Duan, Yuan Liu, Lu Wang, Shichun Lu.Risk factors for and management of ischemic-type biliary lesions following orthotopic liver transplantation: A single center experience. Ann Hepatol. 2016 Feb;15(1):41-6. SCI(Medline)
6.Chuan-yun Li,wei Lai,Shi-Chun Lu:Retrospective observation of therapeutic effects of adult auxiliary partial living donor liver transplantation on postpartum acute liver failure: A case report World Journal of Gastroenterology 2015 March 7; 21(9): 0000-0000.SCI(Medline)
7. Chen L, Li J, Zhang J, Dai C, Liu X, Wang J, Gao Z, Guo H, Wang R, Lu S, Wang F, Zhang H, Chen H, Fan X, Wang S, Qin Z.S100A4 promotes liver fibrosis via activation of hepatic stellate cells.J Hepatol. 2015 Jan;62(1):156-64. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2014.07.035. Epub 2014 Aug 9.PMID:SCI(Medline)
8.Shi-Chun Lu,Tao jiang, Wei lai,Yuan liu et.al. Restablishment of active immunity against HBV graft reinfection after liver transplantation for HBV-related end stage liver diseases. Journal of immunology research.2014:1-9.SCI(Medline)
9.Bin-Wei Duan, Shi-Chun Lu*, Meng-Long Wang,et al:Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) Score Does Not Predict Outcomes of Hepatitis B Induced Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure in Transplant Recipients Transplantation Proceedings 2014,46, 3502-3506 SCI(Medline)
10.Bin-Wei Duan, Shi-Chun Lu*, Meng-Long Wang, Jin-Ning Liu, Ping Chi, Wei Lai, Ju-Shan Wu, Qing-Liang Guo, Dong-Dong Lin, Yuan Liu, Dao-Bing Zeng, Chuan-Yun Li, Qing-Hua Meng, Hui-Guo Ding, Xin-Yue Chen, Hui-Yu Liao, Lie-Qing Ma, Yu Chen, Jing Zhang, Hai-Ping Xiang, Zhong-Ping Duan, Ning Li.Liver transplantation in acute-on-chronic liver failure patients with high model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) scores: a single center experience of 100 consecutive cases. Journal of Surgical Research. 2013;183(2):936–943SCI(Medline)