2008.09-2012.06, 华中农业大学食品科学技术学院, 获学士学位
2012.09-2018.06, 中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院, 获博士学位
2018.10-2021.09, 美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校食品科学系, 博士后
2021.11-至今, 南开大学医学院, 副教授
2. 食品的相变、流变学及质地
3. 功能食品研究与开发
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Wang,R.,Hartel, R. W*. (2020). Effects of moisture content and saccharidedistribution on the stickiness of syrups. Journal of FoodEngineering, 284, 110067.
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Wang,R.,Jin, X., Su, S., Lu, Y., & Guo, S.* (2019). Soymilkgelation: The determinant roles of incubation time and gelationrate.Food Hydrocolloids, 97.
Wang,R.,Liu, J., & Guo, S*. (2018). Binding of phytate to soybeanprotein during the heat treatment of soymilk and its effect onprotein aggregation. Food Hydrocolloids, 84, 368-378.
Wang,R.,Chen, C., & Guo, S*. (2017).Effects of drying methods on starchcrystallinity of gelatinized foxtail millet (α-millet) and itseating quality.Journal of Food Engineering, 207, 81-89.
Wang,R.,& Guo, S*. (2016). Effects of endogenous small molecularcompounds on the rheological properties, texture, and microstructureof soymilk coagulum: Removal of phytate using ultrafiltration. FoodChemistry, 211, 521-529.
Wang,R.,Xie, L., & Guo, S*. (2015). Effects of small molecularcompounds in soymilk on the protein coagulation process: Ca 2+ ascoagulant. Food Research International, 77, 34-42.
Wang,R.,Chen, Y., Ren, J., & Guo, S*. (2014). Aroma stability ofmillet powder during storage and effects of cooking method andantioxidant treatment. Cereal Chemistry, 91, 262-269.
Nishinari,K., Fang, Y., Nagano, T., Guo, S. & Wang,R.(2017). Soy as a food ingredient. I
郭顺堂;王睿粲;李雯;彭星云。一种快速复水性糊化小米及其制备方法。ZL2013 1 0461108.6
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