




2011.8-2016.5 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校食品科学与人类营养,博士学位

2009.8-2011.7 美国伊利诺伊理工学院食品安全与科技,硕士学位

2005.9-2009.6 南京农业大学食品质量与安全,学士学位





2019.09-2021.06,Pharmavite LLC.北美研发中心,研究型科学家

2016.11-2019.09, Kerry Inc.北美研发中心,研究型科学家








1. 山西省农业关键核心技术公关子项目,山西特色杂粮抗氧化技术研发及产品稳定性改良,NYGG09-4,纵向,150万元,2024.01-至今

2. 中国食品科学技术学会食品科技基金——蒙牛营养健康科技青年基金, 杀菌与储藏过程中乳蛋白及油脂稳定性评价及危害物减控机制研究, 2023-M01,纵向,2023.12-至今, 15万元


致力于食品物性、风味感官及膳食营养相关研究。多次受邀在北美食品科学技术(IFT)、国际食品保护学会(IAFP)及感官科技学会(SSP)进行学术汇报并获奖;以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文13篇,并授权国际发明专利2 项。

1. Lu, Y., Zhuang, Y., Jiang, Y., Wang, J., Dong, L., Zhang, Y. and Wang, S., 2025. Impact of lipid oxidation products on the digestibility and structural integrity of Myofibrillar proteins during thermal processing. Food Chemistry, 463, p.141397.

2. Lu, Y., Yang, S. and Fu, T.J., 2024. Quantitation of milk proteins in thermally treated milk samples and commercial food products by ELISA test kits. Food Chemistry, 455, p.139736.

3. Lu, Y., Zhang, Y. and Wang, S., 2024. From Palm to Plate: Unveiling the Potential of Coconut as a Plant-Based Food Alternative. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 72(27), pp.15058-15076.

4. Andaleeb, R., Zhu, Y., Zhang, N., Zhang, D., Hussain, M., Zhang, Y., Lu*, Y. and Y. Liu*, 2024. Umami taste components in chicken-spices blends and potential effect of aroma on umami taste intensity. Food Science and Human Wellness, 13(3), pp.1220-1230.

5. Yu, Z.*, Lu, Y.*, Wei, F., Zhang, Y., Dong, L. and Wang, S., 2024. The impact of natural spices additions on hazards development and quality control in roast beef patties. Food Chemistry, 435, p.137644.

6. Lu, Y.*, Qin, R.*, Wang, J., Xiang, F., Zhang, Y., Zhang, B., Fan, D., Lv, H., Ji, X., Wang, S. and Wang, S., 2024. The impact of the novel starch-lipid complexes on the glucolipids metabolism, inflammation, and gut dysbiosis of Type 2 diabetes mellitus rats. Food Science and Human Wellness.

7. Lu, Y. and Fu, T.J., 2024. Evaluation of ELISA Test Kits for Detection of Milk Protein in Frying Oil Treated at Different Temperatures. Journal of Food Protection, 87(2), p.100211.

8. Andaleeb, R., Chen, Y., Liu, Z., Zhang, Y., Hussain, M., Lu, Y.* and Liu, Y.*, 2023. Cross‐cultural sensory and emotions evaluation of chicken‐spice blend by Chinese and Pakistani consumers. Journal of Sensory Studies, 38(2), p.e12815.

9. Lu, Y. and Fu, T.J., 2020. Performance of commercial colorimetric assays for quantitation of total soluble protein in thermally treated milk samples. Food analytical methods, 13, pp.1337-1345.


1. 探索感官科学的世界(本科双语)

2. Introduction to Food Science and Human Nutrition  (本科英文)

3. 食品科学与工程专题 (研究生)



